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5 Key Test Considerations for Cellular IoT Devices

A guide for designers and developers creating cellular IoT devices


The Internet of Things has powerful applications and implications for almost every industry and individual.

In critical services like healthcare, transportation and logistics, for example, it can help improve service quality and reliability, by giving everyone access to the information and insight they need to deliver the very best service at critical moments.

Cellular connectivity takes IoT to the next level. With cellular-enabled IoT devices, you can deploy connected devices anywhere they can connect to a 3G, 4G or other cellular network. That can take just about any form, from a smart energy meter that automatically reports its readings to the supplier, to a new generation of standalone personal fitness trackers. For designers and developers seeking to bring new devices to market, the ability to connect smart devices to a central control system via a cellular network represents a huge opportunity.

This white paper explores the opportunity in more detail and outlines test considerations for IoT device developers and manufacturers. You'll learn:

  • The 5 key test considerations when designing and developing cellular IoT devices

  • 3 reasons why IoT testing matters

  • 5 best practices for IoT device testing

Download the White Paper